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This is a Tyndale New Living Translation sent to me by John York. John is my first "real customer." Thank you John. The original cover on this NLT looked nice but it's a faux leather. So for that reason it was a rebind candidate. The cover seemed to nice to just throw away so I was trying to figure out how to repurpose it. So, I tried to make a small notebook binder out of it. I didn't have the correct binder mechanism so I cut one up and made one work. This was a burgundy cowhide for the cover and a soft brown cowhide for the liner. I've been trying to add a few new wrinkles to my repertoire. I added a tooled line around the outer outside edges of the cover. I used a paint pen to add a gold gilt line around the edges of the liner. A mistake I made on doing it was I used the wrong diameter tool for rounding the corner on the gilt line. I should've used a sharper cornering tool. I actually used my wife's kitchen scraper for the corners. And yes I cleaned it first. It has different corner diameters and of course I used the wrong one. :-(. The last thing I did was to draw the logo from the original cover to this one. I used a metal edge ruler and tape to mark out the lines to draw the NLT logo. I used gold and silver paint pens. It was hard to do. It took nearly two hours because of double measuring and care because one mistake and the whole completed cover was ruined. It wasn't perfect as using a paint pen requires some care because you don't want a blotch of paint to ooze out in excess. Also it's hard to get a crisp line. It came out OK thank the Lord.

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