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Worship the Blesser, not the blessinng

In Luke 17:11-19 Jesus healed 10 lepers. At least one of them was a Samaritan. The others were Jews. These men all had faith that Jesus could heal them and obedience to do what He commanded them to do, which was to go show themselves to the priest. These are great qualities. But, one as he was going who turned back and did something the others didn’t do. He went back to Jesus and gave thanks. Jesus then asked where the other nine who were healed were.

There are several take aways from this

1 Faith and obedience are important but so is thankfulness.

2 Jesus expected to be thanked for the blessing he bestowed

3 Thankfulness shows Jesus we appreciate what He’s done for us

4 Thankfulness shows God were more interested in Him, the Blesser than the blessings

5 Thankfulness is content with the Blesser even when there is no blessing

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